I'm in the LA airport again, drinking a hot chocolate sitting by the gate, waiting to board a midnight flight back to Texas. Dallas, specifically, then Houston then a drive back to Austin early Wednesday morning. This trip I took to Cali and Hawaii was incredible and I can already tell the effects of it will be long lasting and there is so much to unpack emotionally from it.
First Cali
This was the first vacation outside of Texas I took with my family in nearly 5 years. My mom, sister, nephew, dad and I went to LA and Orange County together and it was a lot of fun. I got to learn more about my 6 month old nephew including what makes him laugh and smile and also what face he makes me when he's fussy or tired or wants to eat. He's such a cute little guy and it was fun spending time with him.
With each year of growth in my own life I am redefining my role within my immediate family. As an adult, I feel like more of an ally or even a friend to my parents who did a really great job raising me...and I feel a deeper sense of respect for them than ever before. Watching my nephew and the work it takes to be a mom gives me even greater appreciation for the care and effort my parents took to raise my sisters and me. It's truly a labor of love, so it seems.
I learned that I love downtown LA in all its weirdness. That city has major character and it was an adventure roaming the streets and finding yoga spots. Orange County was fun despite a broken down rental car and scrambling to put together a new plan...but an adventure none the less. I bonded with my parents on a deeper level and I think that as a family we are growing and growing, which is nice to observe.
Hawaii was incredible. I was on Kauai, an insanely gorgeous island with amazing views, beaches and forests. I was visiting my dear friend Lauren there who had just moved from Austin 5 months prior. When I dropped her off at the airport on her moving day, I told her I would visit ASAP and so there I went.
the airport in Lihue is mostly outdoors and there is no AC on the island, which I actually prefer. I hate the cold sterile nature of central air and have grown accustomed to fans and window units anyway.
It was great to see Lauren. She cut her hair short and sports a new tan and this really neat island lifestyle that I grew really fond of during my short stay.
we traveled all over the island, mostly walking, hanging out on a few beaches, meeting some new friends and talking and talking. Some of the tangible lessons I took away from the island is that patience does everyone wonders, how to successfully haggle down the price of a used vehicle via Lauren, when you are in the right place at the right time, magic happens and slower pace of life is ok by me.
while there, I shed a few sore spots that I recently endured interpersonally and decided to devote myself to a meditation teacher training beginning in September with my beloved teacher and friend, Kelly.
I am excited to see what is in store for me in these coming months. To strike a balance between work and play and taking myself too seriously and having fun! This all really is one giant learning experience isn't it?
i feel mostly refreshed though still in need of sleep and proper nutrition. I'm boarding the plane now to Dallas. More will be revealed.