It has felt like a long time since I shared myself on here. After landing back in Austin from traveling and dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, and not to mention the tremendous business opportunities that arose during the month of June---I haven't carved out enough time to write. I sit here now, with about 15 minutes until my next meeting about a conference I am speaking at on Friday in Houston and I think----a little of writing is better than nothing.
Some updates! I graduated from the 300 Hour Meditation Teacher Training with Kelly Lindsey this month. I took Buddhist vows to stay committed to my path and ultimately, my highest good and I got to rest a bit on retreat. I taught one of the best yoga classes of my entire life and the entire room felt the goodness of it. I was reminded again of my incredible love of the practice and being able to reach people with it in such a real and tangible way.
I made some new close friends and have been dedicating to myself to the process of getting to know people. I also started a new relationship and am learning what it means to be committed to that now. And, more than ever I feel ready to grow Open Circle Healing. It has been a little over a year now since I began this journey into self employment and I am as of this month, 100% self-employed and an independent contractor/freelancer. Woah! I can barely believe it. A year ago, I was pretty scared to take the leap and now---it is more than I could have imagined and that was just year one!
In July, I have gifted myself with Mondays OFF and most of Tuesdays I've committed to 'business time'---meaning, I'll spend time nurturing Open Circle Healing in whatever she needs. Whether that is website support or blog writing or advertising or toying around with package deals and rates---I'll have a dedicated day for that.
The first year was all about trying new things on and seeing what fit. Year 2 feels more about refinement and doing things that make sense from a more spacious and expansive place. I feel excited, alive and in tune with myself around all of this. And to keep this blog going.
Love to you all,