I read the Declaration of Independence today. I was curious about the language used in 1776 to talk about freedom. I saw words like honor and humble sprinkled throughout the pages. It is a long document. There are many guidelines about tyrannical leaders and what can be done if a ruler is out of line. That, essentially, 'we the people' have power to usurp them. But do we? I rarely get political in my posts and it's hard for me even in my privilege to feel fully free in our current political climate. Roger Waters did it justice with a giant blow up pig with images of Donald trump and the word 'charade' displayed brightly but, how can we celebrate what today represents with such a ridiculous, immature and poor excuse for a president? I shudder at the thought.
And yet, and yet---there is still so much beauty in the world---in my world that I would hate to overlook because of politics. I feel my own personal freedom all the time. I am my own boss. I make my own schedule. I work for myself. This is something that I have aspired to for a long time. I'm choosing to give myself days off this month instead of working everyday like I did in June. I have choice in this matter. Freedom. Independence. I can also celebrate my freedom from what was once debilitating anxiety that lived in my body like a flame, always turned on---always waiting for the next big chaotic thing to happen. I can breathe now. I am more in touch with my own experience than I have ever been. I check in, often and I can speak my truth more easily and ask for what I need. That is freedom that I can feel.
In both my yoga classes today, I inquired out loud about the experience of pursuing happiness and joy. That, it seems, as humans, we are not going to be happy all the time. It is just not possible even under the greatest of circumstances to feel endless and constant joy. There must be some semblance of pain or suffering in order to even appreciate the good. My question became, instead of, what is your pursuit of happiness to 'what is your pursuit of real?' I'm more curious about getting to the bottom of things and revealing what's happening in the moment, even if it's discomfort or pain than pushing that to the side to thirst after an impossible ideal. To always be happy or to be in the pursuit of that may cause us to overlook what is right before our eyes.
And, so today---even with the absurdity that is Donald Trump's presidency or the way the news relays information to us or twitter feeds or what have you, I am committed to what's real and the pursuit of authenticity. And on that note, I'm going to buy a cheesecake instead of baking one because, frankly---I'm not a very good baker and don't like to follow recipes.
Sending a lot of love your way today,