I got back from Colorado exactly one week ago. The retreat I was part of facilitating was beautiful, effortless and full of love. The weather was colder than I anticipated and at one point, there was golf ball sized hail that left dents on most of the cars in the parking lot (luckily, I left mine at home.) I got to teach yoga, facilitate authentic relating games and offer massage for a group of humans who are dedicated to pursuing a path of self-discovery, healing, compassion and wisdom. Folks like me. It was heavenly. Together, we chanted this beautiful and simple little prayer at the end of our sessions together. "May all beings be well. May all beings be happy. Peace, peace, peace."
Rooting back into reality, I heard about Charlottesville and what happened there. Violence, death, and hate flooded the streets in that rally and it was devastating to see the very real instances of racism, antisemitism and homophobia expressed by the 'alt-right.' At first, I resisted watching footage---but then I realized that it's important, at least to the degree of educating myself---to be fully aware, in a visual sense---of what is happening in our world right now. To not spiritually bypass or see through rose-colored glasses because I think underneath it all, I am a realist and I care.
So, what I feel committed to now is this: Continuing to educate myself and engage in productive dialogue with minorities, including other Jewish individuals living in this country. Learn about how this other faction of humans are living and why they believe what they do. I will never fight hate with more hate. I will always express love and support to the people I care about, and stay in integrity with myself to the best of my ability. I will not turn a blind eye, nor will I become so engulfed in negative thoughts/images that I can no longer be of service to the individuals that I work with/hold space for. I will put my oxygen mask on first before attempting to do the same for others. You matter, I matter.